Applicant's Information

ID : nepenguehotmail
Name : Luis
Address : PO BOX 2096 El Paso, TX 79951
Phone : (915) 845-2706
Email :
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Message : I am a 17 year old person who grew up in Mexico, now I live in El Paso TX in the US. My first dream as a child was to be a magician, I had an enciclopedia where was a bief of magic and since then I always beleived that I should be a magician. I started of when I was five with a magic tricks kit, that was a gift for me in Christmas. Unfortunately I left trying and also because I was disuated by my family. Because I told them things like taht I could fly and things like that and I really beleived it. But anyways I really love seeing magic and the sensation it brings it is amazing. I would like to learn thats all, mostly for myself to use it as an art because it is and goes beyond alot of things. I think we all as human beings have a tremendous energy that we could use in different things. I think magic is one of these it can guide you to be more spiritual person and to exist. I hope that this web site could teach me the art